Salesforce App

Current Version: 1.5


Standard Fields

Label API Name Type Description
Name Name Text (80) Fundraiser’s name
Active IsActive Checkbox is true if fundraiser is published
Type Type Picklist Campaign type on Pure Charity. Check the Types table below for the available options
Status Status Picklist “In Progress” for any published campaign
Start Date StartDate Date Stard date for the published campaign
End Date EndDate Date End date for the published campaign
Expected Revenue ExpectedRevenue Currency(18, 0) Fundraiser’s funding goal
Parent Campaign Parent Lookup(Campaign) Parent Campaign on Pure Charity
Campaign Record Type RecordType Record Type Campaing Record Type on Pure Charity. Check the Record Types table below for the available options

Custom Fields & Relationships

Label API Name Type Description
Pure Charity ID purecharity__Id__c Text(255) (External ID) (Unique Case Sensitive) Internal Pure Charity ID
Organization Campaign ID purecharity__CampaignId__c Text(255) Fundraiser’s Campaign ID
Organization Appeal ID purecharity__AppealId__c Text(255) Fundraiser Appeal ID
Lives Impacted purecharity__LivesImpacted__c Number(18, 0) Number of lives Impacted by the campaign
Region of Impact purecharity__Region__c Text(255) Region of the campaign
Pure Charity URL purecharity__Url__c URL(255) URL address to the campaign on Pure Charity
City/Country of Impact purecharity__Location__c Text(255) City or Country for the campaign
Fundraiser Goal purecharity__FundraiserGoal__c Picklist Campaign Goal type on Pure Charity. Check the Goal Types table below for the available options
Cause Category purecharity__CauseCategory__c Picklist Campaign Category on Pure Charity. Check the Cause Categories table below for the available options
Trip/Fund ID purecharity__TripId__c Text(255) Fundraiser Trip/Fund ID
Average Donation purecharity__AverageDonation__c Formula Calculates the average donation amount
Percentage Reached purecharity__PercentageReached__c Formula Calculates the percentage to reach the Expected Revenue
Contact purecharity__Contact__r Lookup(Contact) Campaign Organizer Contact (Admin or Owner)
Organizer purecharity__Organizer__r Lookup(Account) Campaign Organizer Account (Admin or Owner)

Record Types

Label Name Description
Pure Charity Direct Donation Pure_Charity_Direct_Donation For Donation Categories
Pure Charity Fundraiser Pure_Charity_Fundraiser For Fundraisers
Pure Charity Sponsorship Pure_Charity_Sponsorship For Sponsorships
Pure Charity Sponsorship Program Pure_Charity_Sponsorship_Program For Sponsorship Programs
Pure Charity Trip Pure_Charity_Trip For Trips


Name Record Type Description
Active Fundraiser Pure Charity Fundraiser For Pure Charity’s Race or Sport Activity Fundraisers
Adoption Fundraiser Pure Charity Fundraiser For Pure Charity’s Adoption Fundraisers
Birthday Fundraiser Pure Charity Fundraiser For Pure Charity’s Birthday Fundraisers
Get Creative Fundraiser Pure Charity Fundraiser For Pure Charity’s “Your fundraising idea” Fundraisers
Group Fundraiser Pure Charity Fundraiser For Pure Charity’s “With a Group” Fundraisers
Holiday Fundraiser Pure Charity Fundraiser For Pure Charity’s Holiday Fundraisers
Mission Fundraiser Pure Charity Fundraiser For Pure Charity’s Mission Trip Fundraisers
Occasion Fundraiser Pure Charity Fundraiser For Pure Charity’s Special Occasion Fundraisers
Sponsorship Pure Charity Sponsorship For Pure Charity’s Sponsorships
Sponsorship Program Pure Charity Sponsorship Program For Pure Charity’s Sponsorship Programs
Trip Pure Charity Trip For Pure Charity’s Trip
Direct Donation Pure Charity Direct Donation For Direct Donations Categories

Goal Types

Monthly Recurring
One-time & Monthly Recurring

Cause Categories



Standard Fields

Label API Name Type Description
Primary Campaign Source Campaign Lookup(Campaign) Pure Charity Campaign that received the donation
Account Name Account Lookup(Account) Donor Account
Opportunity Record Type RecordType Record Type “Pure Charity Donation” for every completed donation
Opportunity Name Name Text(120) A combination of donor and campaign name
Amount Amount Currency(16, 2) The donation amount
Lead Source LeadSource Picklist “Fundraiser” for every completed donation
Stage StageName Picklist “Closed Won” for every completed donation
Close Date CloseDate Date Donation date
Probability (%) Probability Percent(3, 0) “100%” for every completed donation
Type Type Picklist “Recurring” for recurring donations and “One Time” for single donation
Anonymous Donation purecharity__AnonymousDonation__c
Pure Charity ID purecharity__Id__c

Custom Fields & Relationships

Label API Name Type Description
Pure Charity ID purecharity__Id__c Text(255) (External ID) (Unique Case Sensitive) Internal Pure Charity ID
Anonymous Donation purecharity__AnonymousDonation__c Checkbox true when the donor decided to do not share his donation amount, email, and location with the fundraiser organizer


Standard Fields

Label API Name Type Description
First Name FirstName Text(40) Contact’s First Name
Last Name LastName Text(80) Contact’s Last Name
Title Title Text(128) Contact’s Title
Email Email Email Contact’s Email
Phone Phone Phone Contact’s Phone
Mobile MobilePhone Phone Contact’s Mobile Phone
Birthdate Birthdate Date Contact’s Birthdate
Mailing Address MailingAddress Address Contact’s Mailing Address
Account Name Account Lookup(Account) Contact’s Main Account

Custom Fields & Relationships

Label API Name Type Description
Pure Charity ID purecharity__Id__c Text(255) (External ID) (Unique Case Sensitive) Internal Pure Charity ID


Standard Fields

Label API Name Type Description
Account Name Name Name Account’s Name
Type Type Picklist “Backer” for Pure Charity Users and “Giving Circle” for Pure Charity Giving Circles
Phone Phone Phone Account’s Phone
Billing Address BillingAddress Address Account’s Billing Address

Custom Fields & Relationships

Label API Name Type Description
Pure Charity URL purecharity__Url__c URL(255) URL address to the account on Pure Charity
Pure Charity ID purecharity__Id__c Text(255) (External ID) (Unique Case Sensitive) Internal Pure Charity ID
Lives Impacted purecharity__LivesImpacted__c Number(18, 0) Number of lives impacted by the account on Pure Charity
Email purecharity__Email__c Email Account’s Email
Total Donated purecharity__TotalDonated__c Roll-Up Summary (SUM Opportunity) Total amount donated by the account